EPoS Media

What is EPoS Media?

Alphega Pharmacy is offering members a chance to utilise customer facing screens on their Positive Solutions EPoS systems to drive sales in the pharmacy.

  • Service provided by 9Ways Digital Media
  • A variety of images are provided to you to display on your screen which include health awareness campaigns, adverts for popular products available in pharmacies – in line with Alphega monthly promotions, services you provide which can include your own branding
  • Each image on screen for 15 seconds in a 2-3 minute loop
  • Updated remotely every month
  • Drives sales and helps with your public health campaigns

How do I participate?

  • You must have a Positive Solutions EPoS system which has a customer facing screen
  • Complete the note of interest form here
  • 9Ways Digital Media will contact you and confirm suitability
  • Quick and easy remote setup. 9Ways Digital Media will  need 15-20 minutes of your time to go through the process
  • Once this one-off setup is complete, that’s it – the displays will automatically be updated each month. There is no other action or effort required by you or your team – you just need to turn the screen on!